
“..For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10


receive these powerful Testimonies—
What The Lord did for one He will do again for you!


When I came to Mosaic House of Prayer for the first time, the Lord had a special blessing for me! I had suffered pain all over the top of my head for several years. The moment we began to pray, all the pain left! Hallelujah! I tested it right away, by bending over at the waist, and I still had no pain.

I stopped by the church on the way to the ER, with severe pain from kidney stones. Since MHOP was meeting, I decided to see if God would intervene. Though the prayer wasn't so quick (maybe 2 hrs overall), the end result was I went home with minimal pain and was thrilled that God had intervened. Most of the time I was laying down resting, as several people listened, to know how to pray. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!

Doing prison ministry for 29 years, there were countless miracles that took place in our weekly Bible study: toothaches leaving, a crooked arm straightened, many back and neck pains gone, headaches, and heartaches. One time, I needed to pray for 7 ladies all at once who suffered various pains. In about 2-3 minutes, God answered and all were set free. We all marvelled at His love and faithfulness!

When I first came to New Beginnings, I had severe neurological disorders. Jesus healed me completely! With Jesus the impossible becomes the common and New Beginnings Fellowship helped me see that.

Praise God that He opened the door for us to adopt our children after many years of waiting.

In need of a new computer for professional use, I walked in the Apple store ready to purchase. I heard The Lord tell me not to by a new computer, "someone will BUY A NEW COMPUTER FOR YOU!" He said. Blown away by what I just "heard", I left the store and said, "Okay Lord, I trust your words are faithful!" Two months later, The Lord opened the doors to receive a grant for a not only a NEW COMPUTER but additional expensive professional equipment!

God’s faithful provision over the last 6 months has been miraculous!

On a trip to Fl, we were sitting outside a restaurant, waiting to be seated, when a lady came by using a cane. She too needed to wait, and sat down nearby. As I asked about her knee, she was very eager to receive prayer. After I prayed, she was able to walk without the cane, saying the pain went from a level 6 to a 2. (I ask them for a number, with 10 being the worst.) She was so happy that she actually moved to sit at our table to talk more. Soon she gave us another prayer request for a friend in the hospital.

Over the past 2 years, God has been moving in our son’s life from opening doors for necessary therapies, awakening desires for social interaction, removing fear from past medical and feeding traumas, unlocking speech and developmental delays, and so much more. We are so grateful for how much God loves us and continues to show us His faithfulness and favor in and over our lives.”

I broke my shoulder while horseback riding. The x-ray showed a complete break. After I received prayer for healing, I went back to doctor the next day. The doctor took another x-ray. He was shocked to see it barely looked broke! And he couldn't believe that I just broke my shoulder the day before!

I had suffered multiple debilitating injuries from a car wreck about 20 years ago.The Lord has blessed me with numerous healing breakthroughs! I have seen my limp leave, as I received prayer for my hip and leg. My shoulders become level that were noticeably different. I once walked in the church perspiring profusely, as I had a chemical imbalance for a few days. I brought ice packs to use, rather than stay home. Immediately as the church prayed blessings over me, everything returned to normal! They also prayed for a sleep disorder that improved dramatically!

Two knee replacement surgeries in 7 months, each time after the first 24 hrs of pain meds only tylenol was needed. Recovery overall was quick and amazing. Praise God1